The Office of Catechetics promotes the development of mature faith, nurtures the response of believers to the Word, assists parishes and schools to elicit and form leaders for the ministry of catechesis and sacramental preparation, and encourages evangelization strategies.
Our primary task is to assist the Bishop in handing on the authentic Deposit of Faith received by the Apostles from Jesus Christ in its fullness for twenty-one centuries through the Magisterium of the Church. We act as a liaison between the Bishop and his priests in order to serve them by providing for their most pressing needs in Catechesis in their individual parishes with a special emphasis on supporting parish-based Catechesis such as CCD, Whole Family Catechesis, In-home Catechesis, RCIA, Apologetics, etc.
The office is also responsible for overseeing and implementing the certification process for parish Catechists and Catholic school teachers. The Director of the Office of Catechetics collaborates with the Superintendent of Catholic Schools in this effort, as well as the Office of Hispanic Ministries and the Office of Black Catholic Ministries. Our goal is to implement a vision for Catechesis that transforms volunteers into being intentional missionary disciples who can witness to an encounter with Christ that is both Catechetical and Evangelical.
The Office of Catechetics seeks to rebuild the domestic church in parishes of this diocese by having them become families that conform to Christ.
Romans 12:2
“Modern man listens more willingly to witnesses than to teachers, and if he does listen to teachers, it is because they are witnesses.” (41)
Blessed Paul VI’s Apostolic Exhortation Evangelii Nuntiandi
Theology of the Body Certification (6-12th) Diocesan Certification
Educational Opportunities