Immaculata Center
Roman Catholic
Diocese of Lafayette, Louisiana
The administrative offices of the Diocese of Lafayette, composed of clergy, religious and laity, collaborate with the Bishop in his work of evangelizing, catechizing, leading worship, and giving pastoral care to the people of the larger community, and support the parishes, schools and other organizations of the Diocese in accomplishing their ministry.
The Office of Acadiana Catholic, through various print and electronic media, provides services to inform, inspire, and educate all individuals, and to strengthen the religious identity of Catholics in the Diocese of Lafayette.
The Office of Archives serves the Bishop and the executive administrative offices by managing the files of all diocesan personnel, institutions and parishes, through the maintenance of a vital records program.
The Office of Black Catholics strives to educate and witness to the community by providing opportunities for spiritual, educational, cultural and ministerial growth to the African American community within the Diocese of Lafayette.
The Office of Building and Renovation assists all diocesan locations in considering, planning, and utilizing proper structural elements, materials and workmanship within the spaces used to worship, work, live or socialize.
The Office of Catholic Schools assists the Bishop of the Diocese of Lafayette in serving the educational needs of the faithful by fostering quality Catholic education in each Catholic school.
The Office of Catechetics promotes the development of mature faith, nurtures the response of believers to the Word, assists parishes and schools to elicit and form leaders for the ministry of catechesis and sacramental preparation, and encourages evangelization strategies.
Communications The Office of Communications is the official voice of the Diocese, directs all media relations activities, coordinates publicity for diocesan events, and creates initiatives that use traditional and new media for evangelization, instruction, formation and information, through Acadiana Catholic magazine, live streaming and recording of special Masses and Diocesan events, all Diocesan social media platforms, and the Diocesan website.
The Office of Diaconate supports the Bishop in his role as shepherd to enable deacons, candidates, aspirants, their wives and families; to utilize their gifts in the service of the Church following the model of Jesus Christ.
The Office of Financial Affairs monitors, safeguards and responsibly uses the gifts of treasure entrusted to the Church through proper budgeting, accounting and reporting.
The Office of Hispanic Ministry promotes the evangelization, opportunities, education and pastoral needs of Hispanics, in the Diocese of Lafayette, and be an inspiration and help for the parishes to welcome and serve them.
The Office of Human Resources supports the Bishop, pastors, principals, and administrators, and those who minister in the various diocesan entities, including the central office personnel, in promoting a work environment that is fair and just, one that applies the most appropriate and effective management principles and one that is consistent with federal, state, and canon law, as well as diocesan policy.
The Office of Marriage and Family Life assists the Bishop by conducting programs and activities which strengthen marriage and the family. The office provides education and advocacy on issues related to the sanctity of marriage and family life.
The Office of Ongoing Formation of Priests provides opportunities for Presbyterate to grow spiritually, humanly, academically, and pastorally by providing retreats, seminars, workshops.
Pontifical Mission Societies The Diocesan Office of the Pontifical Mission Societies coordinates the activities of these Societies in the Diocese of Lafayette. Those Societies are The Society for the Propagation of the Faith, The Missionary Childhood Association, The Society of St. Peter Apostle and The Missionary Union of Priests and Religious.
The Office of Pro-Life Issues promotes a consistent ethic of life, to witness to the sanctity and value of every human life, to respect, protect, love, and serve life from conception to death.
Property Management The Office of Property Management responds to the needs of the community’s poor, elderly, sick and underprivileged of the Diocese of Lafayette and responds through the development and management of residential and institutional facilities.
The Office of Radio and Television Ministries, through the directives of the Bishop, utilizes the local television and radio media to promote the Good News of the Gospel throughout the Diocese of Lafayette.
The Office of Stewardship and Development cultivates stewardship as a way of life so that the Diocese of Lafayette will never lack the human and financial resources it needs to proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ. This office manages a comprehensive development program for the present and future needs of the Church so that all are welcomed, nourished, and empowered to be Christ for others.
Tribunal The Tribunal purpose is to fulfill the canonical responsibilities relative to petitions for declarations of nullity of marriage; other canonical duties as outlined in the Code of Canon Law.
The Office of Vietnamese Ministries promotes the evangelization, opportunities, education and pastoral needs of Vietnamese, in the Diocese of Lafayette, and be an inspiration and help for the parishes to welcome and serve them.
The Office of Seminarians and Vocations of the Diocese of Lafayette support the discernment of vocations to the priesthood and consecrated life and supervise the formation of seminarians.
The Office of Worship nurtures the liturgical life of the people of God in a spirit of collaboration by providing direction, education, resources and spiritual renewal.